a series hosted by Sharmila G. Lash
Vocalist Sharmila G. Lash invites fellow Bay Area vocalists to the Piedmont Piano Company stage. Part concert, part conversation, singers will perform a short set of songs and talk about their musical journey, sharing stories of their beginnings as a singer and how they became a working musician. The audience will be invited to ask a few questions near the end of the night, and the featured artist and Sharmila will close out with a duet.
Click on a photo or name below to purchase tickets.
Vocalist and poet Amy Fogerson sings songs that represent the different hats she has worn as a singer: student, chorister, soloist, teacher, lyricist. There will be music by Alan Chapman, Reena Esmail, and Dante de Silva, as well as songs composed by 5th graders and women experiencing houselessness in Los Angeles, accompanied by pianist Paul McCurdy. She’ll share stories about making a living as a non-famous singer, her work with LA-based nonprofit organization Street Symphony, and collaborating with composers as a poet. Followed by audience Q & A. Hosted by vocalist Sharmila G. Lash.
Vocalist, multi-faceted musician, and new music champion Sidney Chen shares his journey through the pandemic with his DIY hand-crank music boxes, as well as his perspective on ensemble music-making as essential practice for empathetic and compassionate living with others. Followed by audience Q & A. Hosted by vocalist Sharmila G. Lash.